Installing PortMaster

Download the latest version of PortMaster.

Via Script

To install PortMaster via a simple Installation Script download either the or (with all Runtimes already included) from the link above and place it in the appropriate folder for your CFW. After that simply execute the .sh from your Ports folder.

CFW Location
AmberElec /roms/ports/
ArkOS /roms(or roms2)/ports/
JELOS /roms/ports/
UnofficialOS /roms/ports/

If your CFW is not listed above, it will most likely be in one of the above locations.

Via Zip

To install PortMaster download the from the link above, unzip it and place it in the appropriate folder for your CFW.

CFW Location
AmberElec /storage/roms/ports/
ArkOS /roms(or roms2)/tools/
JELOS /storage/roms/ports/
TheRA /opt/tools/
UnofficialOS /storage/roms/ports/

If your CFW is not listed above, it will most likely be in one of the above locations.

Other CFW

For the other CFW it is as simple as: